Art Explorations Programs 2025
We are proud to announce that NCI ARTworks will continue operation of this twenty-year-old program previously associated with the Art Institute of Chicago.
We are delighted to offer three outings in the spring of 2025. Event registration is open to one and all. Please note that with an optional $25 annual subscriber fee (see coupon below), you can save $15 on the cost of each event. If you plan on attending even two events, you are money ahead! The subscriber fees help offset our costs and support NCI ARTworks.
(OPTIONAL) $25 ANNUAL SUBSCRIBER FEE COUPON (separate $25 check, please) Total Enclosed
Please clip and mail this section along with your $25 check payable to NCI Artworks
to: Barbara Mueller
2109 Mary Ln
Ottawa, IL 61350-1276
Your Name: __________________________________________________________________________
Street Address: _______________________________________________________________________
City: _______________________________________ State: ______ Zip ________________________
Phone: (Home) ________________________________ Cell: _____________________________
Email Address:____________________________________________________________________
We are proud to announce that NCI ARTworks will continue operation of this twenty-year-old program previously associated with the Art Institute of Chicago.
We are delighted to offer three outings in the spring of 2025. Event registration is open to one and all. Please note that with an optional $25 annual subscriber fee (see coupon below), you can save $15 on the cost of each event. If you plan on attending even two events, you are money ahead! The subscriber fees help offset our costs and support NCI ARTworks.
(OPTIONAL) $25 ANNUAL SUBSCRIBER FEE COUPON (separate $25 check, please) Total Enclosed
Please clip and mail this section along with your $25 check payable to NCI Artworks
to: Barbara Mueller
2109 Mary Ln
Ottawa, IL 61350-1276
Your Name: __________________________________________________________________________
Street Address: _______________________________________________________________________
City: _______________________________________ State: ______ Zip ________________________
Phone: (Home) ________________________________ Cell: _____________________________
Email Address:____________________________________________________________________